For God. For you. For each other.

Worship and Prayer are key parts of church life. We offer a variety of different services each week, each with its own distinctive style but united in offering Christ-centred worship. All of our services are open to everyone, no matter whether you are a long-standing Christian or if you are just exploring. Please join us. There is no need to book a place, please just turn up. Click here for our current services.


Sunday 10am

Traditional worship in Church

Meeting in Church, a broadly traditional service, providing the opportunity to reflect on scripture, pray and worship together.

Join online here or in person at BMC.

Join by phone on 0161 509 4285.


Sunday 10am

Contemporary worship in Connect

A more informal service, seeking God’s vision and purpose for our world and ourselves as we worship.

Join online here or in person at Centrepoint.

Thursday 10am

A mid-week oasis of song, prayer, reflection and worship. All are welcome.

Join online here or in person at BMC.

Join by phone on 0161 509 4285


A relaxed and informal evening service held in the

Welcome Area of the church building

on the first Sunday of each month,

with a music group playing regularly.

Join us for an informal service on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 3pm.

Our next date is Sunday 21st April.

This will be followed by chat and refreshments.

All are welcome.

BMC prayer diary

Please use our monthly prayer diary as you pray. Click the button below.